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8-axis floor-rail industrial welding robot Arm span 2M GR-WL500

An 8-axis floor-rail industrial welding robot is a sophisticated and versatile machine used in manufacturing and welding operations. With its eight axes of motion, this robot has the ability to move and position in multiple directions, giving it a high degree of flexibility and precision in welding tasks. These robots are mounted on a floor rail system, allowing them to move along the length of the rail while performing welding operations. This setup provides a large working area and the ability to easily reposition the robot for different welding tasks. The 8-axis design of this robot allows for complex welding patterns and angles, making it ideal for welding tasks that require precise and intricate welds. Additionally, the robot's advanced programming capabilities enable it to perform repetitive welding tasks with consistent accuracy and efficiency.

key word:

industry laser welding laser welding welding machine laser weld welding small welding machine


Welding Robot

8-axis floor-rail industrial welding robot Arm span 2M GR-WL500


6-axis floor-rail industrial welding robot Arm span 1.5M 2M GR-WL300